Star Knightess Aura version 0.42.0
Note that the public release will be in 3 weeks. You can also skip the waiting time by buying Star Knightess Aura on itch.
Ahhhhh!!!! Its done it is done it is dooooooneeeee!!!! The first update of Chapter 3-B and probably the largest update on Earth Corruption content to date!! Phew, everyone on the team has been pushing pretty hard this month, so I'm really glad we finished in time.
And it's not just a matter of sheer number. Most of the scenes have a strong plot impact, character development, unlock new passives or otherwise accelerate the story towards its corruption finale. And then of course lots of developments like: INFINITE GEORGE SUFFERING! Slutty Clothing! Aura's resistance breaking down! Repeat sex on Earth! Maid George!
Have I already mentioned infinte George suffering?
I won't be going too deep in the usual summary post as I feel like that would be just retelleing of the events that happen in-game, so for the corruption scenes I will this time just do the numbers recap. Otherwise it's just too much :'D And then maybe talk a bit about the new passives and appearance changes that get unlocked along the way.
So, as usual, for in-depth development updates on the prereleases, check out the weekly devlog posts. Now, let's jump into the numerical overview of this major update! We have: 24 new Corruption scenes (!!!!!), 5 new lewd scenes (some of them just short repeat versions though), 1 new H-CG, 1 new character artwork, variations to two older CGs, 1 new quest+dungeon+boss, 1 new Compendium Category, 5 new mental changes, 6 new passives, and the usual bunch of little things!
Uff. Like I said, I won't be going through the new corruption content except for the teaser sentences above or else I would be sitting here tomorrow writing this update post :'D.
Instead, let us take a look at the new appearance changes and passive skills! With the new Slutty Clothes mental change unlocked at a high Fan-Count, we are approaching the final form of slutty Aura! (Also I have now managed to structure Chapter 3 in a way so that tan will be optional) Furthermore, as a more minor change, Aura also gets an upgrade in Underwear! I decided not to have a mental change for it, as the change itself seemed pretty natural at this point without needing any helping hand.
Then, for the lewd passives! Be careful from progressing too far into Chapter 3 before finishing your fight against powerful human enemies like Roland or you will have to deal with the Submission Fantasis passive! When fighting a Handsome (new enemy tag) Human, Male, Aura will start the battle fantasizing about sex during battle, giving her Aroused (Until Battle End), and Paralyzed (Until the end of the next turn).
Then, we have a set of mental changes that massively reflect Aura's increasing disinterest in having to save the ass of stranger's every night! Unlocked through the corruption of the Diligence 2 Value Orb, we have Learning Skills Sucks and Beauty Sleep is Important, both of them capable of adding the also new passive Lazy I/II.
- Learning Skills Sucks is a passive I wanted to originally add earlier in the game but decided to move it back as it affects mostly learning Rank I skills at the Magic Academy due to its main effect of adding 1 Extra Learning Time when learning skills that take 3+ days to learn. I felt like adding it in the mid-game would potentially make it less interesting to do the Special Study. Now it feels a lot better and it most importantly hits learning Rank III skills. Furthermore, it also adds Lazy I on the day after finishing your training - "Haaahhhh... That was sooo boring... I think I worked enough over the recent days to take it easy today..."
- Beauty Sleep is Important connects the Tired I/II passive to the Lazy I/II passive. After the day of having Tired I/II, Aura receives Lazy I/II, modeling her desire to avoid stress in order to ensure that it doesn't affect her beauty!
Moving on, we have a new passive similar to Party Girl, Sex Duties Of A Demon Queen. The denotes the remaining time until the next repeatable Earth sex event occurs.
And finally we have Modeling Proficiency I, which allows Aura's skills that can give a target Aroused to also affect females.
Then I would like to talk a bit about a new UI feature developed this week by our assistant developer Trihan: The Social Category. What used to be a small sub-category of the Aura Category with only the Earth characters, has been expanded to capture all notable characters in the game!
It's a bit janky as its first iteration was only finished on Wednesday and likewise we most likely forgot to add a bunch of interesting characters and tags to it. (For example Paulina doesn't really work yet as the current system doesn't fully support her large changes in location/sprites without causing massive copy&paste)
But I think it should serve as a good basis to collect some extra feedback. Which characters would you like to see in here? What kind of tags would be helpful to you? For now we focused on adding important quest characters and lewd partners. Furthermore, character lewd tags such as evil, kind, etc. were the first line of priority that we decided to add. Beyond that I also added some simple "progression tags" such as Nadia's "Partner" tag which changes from Albrecht to Rosemond if you do his quest. Likewise, notable NPCs that you killed - such as the Drug Dealer - are listed with the "Dead" tag. So you can now easily look up if you killed a lewd partner in the past!
As a negative note, maybe you saw in a previous devlog the feature for save renaming, this we had to take out. The (form) approach that we used to create the input fields was not very compatible with the remaining engine and caused more holes to fix than we anticipated. So I decided that we should deactivate it until Trihan implements an alternative approach.
I could talk a bit more about the small other additions the update has brought with it, such as the new quest to uncurse Jacob's daughter or the ability to go back and steal the Mana Catalyst from the Hermit if you missed out on it when the Vice choice first popped up - but I feel like we have already reached quite the length for this update post, so I will close out here.
Have fun with the update! The full changelog is as usual below. Next month will start the Charlotte lewd content development and otherwise continue the heavy Earth Corruption content focus --- The Corruption Ending is getting close!!!!!!
Changelog 0.42.0 (26.04.2024)
- Added George maid costume
- Added Lord Trademond 1 H-CGs
- Added Lord Trademond 2 H-CGs
- Added Brothel Customer 2 H-CGs Variations
- Added Tutored by Richard 5 H-CG Variations
- Added character asset sexual underwear
- Added character asset slutty clothing
- Added mental change Superiority 1
- Added mental change Implant Modeling Knowledge
- Added mental change Slutty Clothes
- Added mental change Corrupt Selflessness Orb 2
- Added mental change insert corrupted Selfishness Orb 2
- Added quest Rotten Love
- Added scene Dating Richard 2
- Added scene Dating Richard 3
- Added scene Dating Richard 4
- Added scene Dating Richard 5
- Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 6
- Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 7
- Added scene Lewd Streaming 4
- Added scene Lewd Streaming 5
- Added scene Lunchbreak 9
- Added lewd scene Infiltrating Cheerleaders 6
- Added scene Infiltrating Cheerleaders 7
- Added scene George and Veronica 3
- Added lewd scene George and Veronica 4
- Added scene George and Veronica 5
- Added scene George and Veronica 6
- Added scene Cheating on George 5
- Added scene Being Lazy 1
- Added scene Being Lazy 2
- Added scene Lewd Thoughts 6
- Added lewd scene Hanging Out At Richard's 1
- Added scene Hooking Up Elizabeth 5
- Added scene Hooking Up Elizabeth 6
- Added lewd scene Tutored By Richard 5
- Added lewd scene Tutored By Richard 6
- Added map Persephone Domain
- Added map Hermit interior with Vice chest for Mana Catalyst
- Expanded Social Category in Compendium to include Roya locations
- Added Slutty Clothing pixel costume
- Added passive Sex Duties of a Demon Queen I
- Added passive Lazy I/II
- Added passive Beauty Sleep Is Important
- Added passive Learning Skills Sucks
- Added lewd passive Submission Fantasies
- Added lewd passive skill Modeling Proficiency I
- Made slight alteration to Alchemist apprentice interaction
- Added item "Mutated Skin"
- Implemented cursor blink effect in windows that currently lack one
- Implemented walking character for selected save file
- Added critters into Poison Swamp map
- Reworked Recess in Nothing But The Truth to cause a day end and let the player resume when they can pass the Vice check to commit to a route
- Expanded Francois pure path brothel scene
- Added Handsome tag to select enemies
- Added infamy 10 event Meeting Victor
- Added boss Persephone
- Added Expert Rank upgrade option
- Added clearing bridge bandits to requirements for unlocking Poison Swamp
- Increased max mental changes to 151
- Increased max killed bosses to 113
- Changed Mutated Serpent drop to Mutated Skin
- Add autoskill Flight to Scorpion Bees
- Gave Mantraps adds
- Added Cycle of Life and Gluttonous trait to Mantraps
- Increased Scorpion Bee HP
- Increased Swamp Constrictor def
- Gave Swamp Constrictors skill Wrap
- Replaced Prime Fangs and just have a double attack for Mantraps/Serpent
- Increased Mantrap HP
- Changed Temperance II Auto-Corrupt condition from Rising Heat to Lewdness >= 40
- Doubled effectiveness of Rising Heat I/II/III
- Fixed typos
- Disabled save naming due to too many unsresolved bugs
- Fixed missing restore opacity after George And Veronica 5
- Fixed Rotten Love loop when talking to Elaine while in Chapter 1
- Fixed Victor available before introduction event
- Fixed sv_actors playing idle motions when under timestop (only visible on slime)
- Fixed save list characters disappearing when dragging mouse
- Fixed Paulina gaining Maid Score after killing Asmodeus
- Fixed incorrect mention of black priestess info when interacting with northern mines anchor without talking to black priestess
- Fixed turn-end damage not showing popups
- Estimated play time: 33-45h
- Word Count: 730k
- Lewd Scenes: 115
- Real World Scenes: 284
- CGs: 44 (+1 Bonus CG)
Get Star Knightess Aura
Star Knightess Aura
Isekai NTR
Status | Released |
Author | aura-dev |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Adult, corruption, Eroge, Erotic, Female Protagonist, Hentai, NSFW, ntr, Porn, RPG Maker |
Languages | English |
More posts
- Devlog: 1.1.0-prerelease-41 day ago
- Devlog: 1.1.0-prerelease-38 days ago
- Star Knightess Aura version 1.0.415 days ago
- Devlog: 1.1.0-prerelease-215 days ago
- Devlog: 1.1.0-prerelease-122 days ago
- Star Knightess Aura version 1.0.322 days ago
- Star Knightess Aura version 1.0.229 days ago
- Star Knightess Aura version 1.0.134 days ago
- Star Knightess Aura version 1.0.0b41 days ago
- Star Knightess Aura version 1.0.0a43 days ago
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Impressive! Every devlog gets me more excited than the last.
On a side note, regarding the "stats" at the end, the estimated play time says "33-45h"... Is this right? I've played double that amount and still haven't seen everything. Does it only count one "path"?
:) yeah that get's me every time too with "estimate play time" but i think its for the average story focus players, mine is also double (sometimes x3 more) exploring everything, taking my time and much more
It's based on the average playtimes as obtained from the game statistics.
Nice Clothes, can't wait to get her those when the steam release comes out
YAY i have been looking forward to this update all month i'm soo excited to try it now that i'm off from work. THANK YOU to the Dev's and to all, putting in long hours working on this isn't easy thank you, wish there was more like you all there. i know there are but its just so few compared to big companies... this why i support you guys more CHEERS!! to a fun lewd game that's very fun to play
Seriously, this is the only game where I feel I'm battling demons. Like, actually evil hellspawns. Yeah, you have Doom and whatnot, but demons are supposed to be cunning, vicious, depraved... For a game to nail this so well, it must not only construct a good story, but the rest of the delivery must be near perfect too.
That sinking, ominous feeling when you fall for a trap or make a stupid decision with permanent consequences... That's not something just anyone can make. It's not the trap itself, it's every line of dialog, the build-up only such carefully crafted characters can make.
The only other piece of media that could convey this demonic dread to me was Berserk's ending. But, due to the demons being able to corrupt the mind itself, this game feels not only more... well, demonic, but a lot deeper as well.
Haven't found anything quite like it.