Devlog: 0.42.0-prerelease-1
We begin the first development week of Chapter 3-B and that means lots of new corruption scenes on Earth! Concretizing the plans I posted in the April Project Plan post, I decided to swap a couple of scenes in the weekly planning around. The main goal for this week, I decided to make the progression of the Pretend Dating Richard event line until the unlocking for the Slutty Clothing Appearance Mental Change.

Now, if you check out the mental change in the Appearance Room you will see a pretty hefty requirement: 1000 Fans! And that basically determined the other event sequences I worked on this week - Wanting To Be A Model and Lewd Streaming. Watch how her selfies from her dates, her debut as a model and Aura's increasing streaming popularity are allowing her to vastly pump up her fanbase, unlocking not only the Slutty Clothing change but also exchanging her tame underwear, gaining the final Knowledge Orb giving her a new lewd passive, and finally the Superiority Happiness mental change.
For the Knowledge Orb, I originally wanted to go into the Night Club direction and go for Dancing, but this line has been kind of cut down and instead I decided to use the mental change for Modeling Knowledge. The Knoweldge Orb both progresses the Earth storyline and unlocks the aforementioned new lewd passive: Modeling Proficiency I, allowing Aura's skills that give the AROUSED state to also affect female humans.
The Superiority Happiness mental change currently doesn't have a consequence and is kind of where our storylines currently end but we do have enough scenes to fulfill its even higher fan requirement of 5000 Fans. As you can see, the increase of fans is slowly starting to spiral out of control. Alicia, while of course happy with the general development, is also showing some signs of insecurity from Aura's fast growth...
I have also used the last modeling scenes as a bit of an opportunity to mix and match outfits. It seemed to be the perfect opportunity. Cheerleading + Streamer and Casual + Streamer I think I ended up using.
Besides the focus on the Fan progression, we also have a general progression on Aura's Submission stat, mostly coming from the Richard Dating events. Finally, I managed to last minute squeeze in a reaction scene from the cheerleaders, commenting on Aura's and Richard's relationship.
Then, as some more general updates, I have done a little bit of iterating on the now pretty old Hermit quest 'What is it with Birds and Stealing' - you will now have the opportunity to steal the Mana Catalyst at any later point. His roof now has a ladder into his home, simply sneak into it and steal the catalyst from the Vice Chest.
From our assistant developer Trihan we have two additions. In the Poison Swamp quest, the boss now drops a unique material that gives a 3x per day RESIST again POISON. And the second one is more visual - and I am personally not quite sure about this one - focusing on some additional blinking effects in the main menu. I think for the Main Menu, the Formation Menu, and the Title Menu. While the Formation menu blinking effect seems pretty harmless, the other ones gave me personally some nausea, especially the Title Menu one. I dunno, to me it looks like the letters (especially the T's) are contracting and expanding due to the way the highlighting appears and disappears. x_X Please do give us some feedback on this so we know if it isn't just me or if it's just me and we can safely keep the feature in for 0.42.0.
Alright, that's it for this week! Next week, more corruption content! I plan to take the next lewd scene I had originally planned for Week 4 where Aura finally gives in after watching Rose and Richard yet again, and then I'm not sure... All the current Richard Date events are Aura and Richard only, I would like to move on to larger events, like Richard+Aura and Elizabeth+BF double date, but I feel like that would require finally catching up with George scenes... Well, we'll see, something along these directions. Then, for the full changelog see, as usual, below and have fun with the prerelease!
Changelog 0.42.0-prerelease-1 (05.04.2024)
- Integrated character asset sexual underwear
- Integrated character asset slutty clothing
- Added mental change Superiority 1
- Added mental change Implant Modeling Knowledge
- Added mental change Slutty Clothes
- Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 6
- Added scene Dating Richard 2
- Added scene Dating Richard 3
- Added scene Dating Richard 4
- Added scene Lewd Streaming 4
- Added scene Lewd Streaming 5
- Added scene Lunchbreak 9
- Added scene Wanting To Be A Model 7
- Made slight alteration to Alchemist apprentice interaction
- Added lewd passive skill Modeling Proficiency I
- Added item "Mutated Skin"
- Added map Hermit interior with Vice chest for Mana Catalyst
- Implemented cursor blink effect in windows that currently lack one
- Increased max mental changes to 149
- Added extra clarity to Headache descriptions
- Changed Mutated Serpent drop to Mutated Skin
- Fixed Lumerian Knights being unable to get tactical advantage on first turn
- Fixed state resistance bypass being overriden when battler refreshes
- Fixed being able to sell rare spells infinitely
- Fixed weakness happiness not ending day and circle being wrong colour
Get Star Knightess Aura
Star Knightess Aura
Isekai NTR
Status | Released |
Author | aura-dev |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Adult, corruption, Eroge, Erotic, Female Protagonist, Hentai, NSFW, ntr, Porn, RPG Maker |
Languages | English |
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I have been often running into issues where a character cannot read books even though they should be able to.
When I was trying to gift John Advanced magic, it would state that another charcter does not meet the requirements to read the book. Similarly when aura had above 40 agility she was not able to read offensive stance II book.
I am not sure what the exact issue is.
Sometimes it's so sad there's no gameplay in real world.
Only cutscenes. But the game is awesome anyway!
PS I love leveldesign and combat system + exploring and good perks system.
hello, i have to inform you that the information page of the monster mothercrow is uncomplet because of that you can not give the npc of trademond the information for the mothercrow. Can you please fixed that. Thank you.
ps: Your game is great an hope you could make more after this project.